Implementing Secure TCP/IP Networks with IPSEC & Linux FreeS/WAN
Simple security for complex networks

Hugh Daniel
The Linux FreeS/WAN Project


IPSEC and related protocols provide a basis for secure TCP/IP based networking and VPN's from the very simple to the mind-bogglingly complex. The tutorial will introduce the IPSEC, IKE, DNS Secure and related technology's both describing how they are different from current networking practice and what systems they do (and don't) secure. We will then move on to describing how to design, setup, debug and monitor such systems on the 'wild' Internet based on real world examples from the Linux FreeS/WAN Project implementation of IPSEC/IKE etc.

Who Should Attend
Network designers
Site and Systems Security personal
NOC management and staff
VPN sysadmins
Privacy Advocates

Hugh Daniel has been doing general computer consulting and education since the late 1970's and computer security related work since the mid 1980's. He can't remember a time when computer security was not interesting though it was not until the mid 1980's that crackers attacking his various sites such as The Well caused him to professionally move in to the computer security field. He now is the lead tester and manager for the Linux FreeS/WAN Project.

Last modified: January 18, 2000 (mk)