Advanced DNS administration

Jim Reid


This tutorial explains some of the new features in BIND8 and how to use them: dynamic DNS, access control lists, the logging subsystem. Some more complex name server configurations will be shown - split DNS and internal root - and when these should be used. The tutorial will close with look at some of the new DNS developments: IPv6, DNSSEC and BIND9.

Who should attend
The tutorials are intended for anyone who maintains the DNS or needs to know how it works. Topics in the afternoon session will be more suited to experienced DNS administrators who want to know how to do more with BIND8. Attendees should have some understanding of UNIX system administration and an appreciation of Internet protocols.

Jim Reid has been involved in Unix and networking since before the days when mcvax was a VAX. He is a well-known conference speaker and has over 10 years experience writing and presenting training courses. He designed and built the DNS backbone of the Philips intranet, one of the biggest networks in the world. His book on DNS administration is due to be published in summer 2000.

Last modified: January 18, 2000 (mk)