An experimental tool for visual data mining

Willem G. Knoop
Xirion B.V.


Leen van Dalen (Xirion)

Event data stems from many different sources and the information it carries may be very divers. Often, huge amounts of data are generated. To fight the overwhelming amount of information, humans tend to filter the data, looking for expected events that require action. The problem with this approach is that events that are not expected will be filtered out. However, the goal to analyze event data in the first place, is to capture unexpected events. An alternative approach is to take an unfiltered look at the data. This can be done by presenting visualizations of the data using an interactive tool which supports features like: zooming into details while keeping a visual reference to the context, navigate through large amounts of data, adjusting aspects of the presentation (like color) to match certain conditions for attributes of the event data and switching between different visualization techniques. When such a tool is employed, a domain expert can 'play' with the data, which enables him to discover patterns. These patterns form the basis of new hypotheses that can be verified. In principle, this may eventually lead to the development of a new filter that can be used for daily routine testing. Deputy General Manager, currently responsible to manage the Research and Development activities at Xirion, an IT service provider with a unique vision on system management. Before he came to Xirion he worked as an Ass. Professor at Delft University of Technology, where he worked on his PhD project on bottlenecks in product development processes. He shared his scientific experiences through numerous articles and conference papers which dealt on topics like Concurrent Engineering and Design Automation. He started his career by working for almost 10 years at IBM as a CAD/CAM Consultant. He introduced the first UNIX based engineering workstations on the Dutch market. He carried out multidisciplinary projects in both small and large companies. Multivendor coupling, networking, CAD in the conceptual design phase and the application of photorealistic visualisation and animation where among his areas of expertise. Besides he lectured on international courses and symposia on the applic! ation of information technology.

Last modified: December 27, 1999 (mk)