FreeBSD in Professional Environments

Guido van Rooij
Origin TIS/Intranet Services


FreeBSD is an advanced BSD UNIX operating system for Intel CPU based computers. It is destined both towards desktop applications as to heavy duty server usage.

This talk will first introduce the FreeBSD project. I will focus on:

  • The history. Where does FreeBSD come from?
  • The project organisation.
  • What does a FreeBSD release consist of?
  • What does it support?
  • What versions?
  • How can you get it?
  • Copyright issues: FreeBSD will do its best to keep the basic system under the so-called Berkeley copyright. This allows for commercial efforts to take place that do not want to give away their source code modifications.
  • The inevitable question: what's the difference between the various Linux distributions and FreeBSD. I will and cannot answer this question. I will tell why ;-)

After this introduction a number of real world cases will be shown where FreeBSD is used in professional enviroments.

  • FreeBSD as an ftp server:
    Background: is the worlds largest and busiest ftp server. It is owned by Walnut Creek Cdrom.
  • FreeBSD as a newsserver:
    The 11th most influencial news server in the world (usenet top 1000)
  • FreeBSD as a black box: Whistle InterJet, Pluto Space Platform
  • FreeBSD as a router: PicoBSD
    PicoBSD is a one floppy FreeBSD version that can be used to make a router (including packet filtering and snmp agent) or to make a dial up machine. A dial-in machine is in the make.
I'll end with: The Future of FreeBSD
Guido van Rooij is the head of Origin's firewall development group. He graduated in Discrete Mathematics at Einhoven University of Technology and started working as a software developer on medical systems, OCR equipment and numerical controls. In 1995 he joined Philips to work on Internet related systems with emphasis on security. He is co-founder of the Digital City of Eindhoven as well as Internet Access Eindhoven, a local ISP. Furthermore, he is security officer of FreeBSD and as such part of the FreeBSD core team.

Last modified: June 23, 1998 (ehk)