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[1st International SANE Conference]

LIST of items for sponsoring SANE '98

Register as a sponsor.
How to join the SANE'98 Trade Show.

Please find below a list of items that can be sponsored at the SANE '98 Conference. SANE '98 gives your company an excellent opportunity to present itself to the UNIX community in Europe. Three days at a row, both national and international speakers will give presentations, and an exhibition will be held during the whole conference.

Please fill out this form if you want to receive more information on sponsoring SANE '98. You will be contacted as soon as possible after your request has been received.
ITEM PRICE (Dutch guilders)
Conference: .
Conference-proceedings (max. 4 different companies) From 2.500
Free public transport during the conference (max. 3 different companies) From 1.000
. .
Social event: .
Entertainment 5.000
Transportation to and from social event 3.500

Sold out:

ITEM PRICE (Dutch guilders)
Welcome and registration (November 17, 250 persons) Shell Services Int. ITEP
Noteblocks UUNET Nederland
Writing materials at registration desk (about 1000 pc) Shell Services Int. ITS
Music/band at social event and dinner/buffet Magnus Management Consultants
Conference bags AT Computing
'Early-bird' t-shirts with your logo and the SANE '98 logo XS4ALL
CD-ROM Sybase Nederland
Welcome and registration (November 18, 500 persons) EurOpen
Brochure/gimmick in conference bag (max. 5 different companies) Shell Services Int. ITS, Netforce, TUNIX Open System Consultants, Xirion and SCO

Last modified: November 15, 1998