Bazaar & BoF Program
17 May 2006
  Foyer Collegezaal A Commissiekamer 1 Commissiekamer 2
start market lightning talks BoF sessions BoF sessions
18u30 PGP
JC van Winkel
18u45 OSS Starter packs, a way to remove another barrier.
OSS op School, Jeroen Meij
19u00 How to open-up a language.
Open Taal, Simon Brouwer
19u15 Veejay
Niels Elburg
Software patents & IPRED2: write software, end-up in jail.
Vrijschrift, Ante Wessels
The Launchpad Collaboration.
Ubuntu, Dennis Kaarsemaker
19u30 VLC Open Source Multi-media
VideoLAN, Jean-Paul Saman
19u45 Open content and the music industry.
Simuze, Bjorn Wijers
20u00 Free education: Wet Dream or Revolution
Vrijschrift, Wiebe van der Worp
Walter Belgers
New QA and Release process of OOo; and Campagne Get Legal - Get, Cor Nouws
20u15 Build your own Akamai-like content delivery network (for free)
Globule, Guillaume Pierre
20u30 Open Source webbased CTI.
Nancy van Baak
20u45 PGP KeySigning Party
20u45 Syllable OS: when lightning strikes.
Syllable, Kaj de Vos
Diego Biurrun
ISOC launches international project SELF
Wouter Tebbens
21u00 Minix 3, why bother?
Minix, Jorrit Herder
21u15 The Cool New Things planned for Ubuntu.
Ubuntu, Dennis Kaarsemaker
21u30   New TC4, TurboCash on steroids.
TurboCash, Pieter Valentijn
Ideas on sharing and promoting music online. Simuze VoIP and Asterisk.
Covide, Nancy van Baak
21u45 Samba 4: Active Directory servers on UNIX.
Samba, Jelmer Vernooij
22u15 clean-up